Who We Are

SANITiZINN is a division of Zinntex LLC with Head Quarters in New York City at 260 West 39th street, suite 401. The company is a 3rd generation family business that both manufactures and sources the highest quality products at the most affordable prices. They offer plug and play capabilities to fit the needs of each customer. It is all about delivering that value-add proposition and achieving excellence at every level of the supply chain.

Zinntex is a Vertical Operation with offices in New York, Hong Kong, and China. The company maintains factory partnerships in China, Bangladesh, Mexico, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the United States. The SANITiZINN division remains industry agnostic by delivering a wide range of products to meet the needs of its many partners. This includes: Healthcare Companies, Government Agencies, Financial Institutions, Cleaning Services, Senior Living Communities, Hospitality Companies, Entertainment Businesses, Schools, Summer Camps and Retailers.